ASEAN Heritage Parks

Hat Chao Mai National Park and Mu Ko Libong Non-hunting Area

Hat Chao Mai NP was designated as the first dugong conservation zone in Thailand. The rich ecosystems of Hat Chao Mai and Mo Ko Libong provide suitable habitats for many terrestrial and marine fauna species such as mammals, reptiles, amphibians as well as birds including migratory species. They are located in the Andaman Sea, deemed to be one of the world’s sites with high biological diversity. Mo Ko Libong NHA was initially established to protect habitats of migratory birds but was later on discovered to have large seagrass beds which provide major food source to a large group of Dugong.

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HCMNP is located along 20 km. of Thailand’s west coast in Si Kao and Kantang sub-districts, Trang Province. MKLNHA is located in Na Kluea and Libong sub-districts of Kantang district and Hat Samran sub-districts of Pa Lian district, Trang province.
343.884 km2
Date declared as an AHP
Other international designations
Habitat types
Marine and terrestrial ecosystems including karst vegetation Hat Chao is a protected area within the Andaman Sea Nature Reserve. Mo Ko Libong’s topography is mostly coastal plain, and next to it features high mountains. Libong island has beaches, mangrove, seagrass beds, coral reefs and inland forest.
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54 mammal species; 254 plant species; 62 reptiles and amphibians; 220 bird species; 268 fish; 48 crustaceans; 23 coral species; other marine species include dugong, Indo-Pacific Humpbacked dolphin, Irrawady dolphin, finless porpoise and turtles.

Unique Flora: Eleven species of seagrass are found including Thalassia hemprichiiHalophila ovalis and Enhalus acoroides. Rare species on the karst vegetation include Trisepalum sp, Alstonia curtisiiWrightia siemensis and Vitex siamica.

Unique Fauna: Banded langur, Dusty langur, red muntjac, lesser mouse deer, Asian golden cat, leopard cat oriental-small clawed otter, large-spotted civet, western striped squirrel Bird species include little heron, great crested tern, black-shouldered kite and two endangered species, masked finhoot and Nordmass’s Greenshank. Other migratory birds such as Kentish plover, bar-tailed godwit,  blue-tailed bee-eater and Asian dowitcher. Endangered reptile species include elongated tortoise while vulnerable Malayan Box Turtle is also found in Mo Ko Libong. Amphibians include painted bullfrog, Blyth’s frog and omate Chorus Frog. Dugong is commonly sighted in Hat Chao Mai NP. Other rare marine anilas include Bryde’s whale, Indo-pacific humback whale, Irrawady dolphin, and 4 marine  turtle species.

Habitat Types: marine and terrestrial ecosystems including karst vegetation Hat Chao is a protected area within the Andaman Sea Nature Reserve. Mo Ko Libong’s topography is mostly coastal plain, and next to it features high mountains. Libong island has beaches, mangrove, seagrass beds, coral reefs and inland forest.

The most popular tourism is dugong-watching. The area is also known for their sceic islands such as Ko Meng, Ko Pling and Ko Muk.

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